Libraries and the USA PATRIOT Act
The USA PATRIOT Act's Section 215 is one of the more contentious sections. Before the USA PATRIOT Act was passed, federal authorities conducting foreign intelligence investigations could get an order authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)court for access to hotel, airline, storage locker, or car rental company records. Section 215 amended that authority to include access to any tangible item no matter who holds it. By implication, that includes access to library loan records and records of library computer use.
For a discussion of this issue, see Libraries and the USA PATRIOT Act, a report completed by The Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, and updated on July 6, 2005.
For a discussion of this issue, see Libraries and the USA PATRIOT Act, a report completed by The Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, and updated on July 6, 2005.
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